Pacific Salmon – Amazing Canadian Wildlife

Pacific Salmon – Amazing Canadian Wildlife

Seven species of Pacific Salmon occur in B.C.: Sockeye, Chinook, Coho, Pink, Chum, Steeelhead Trout, and Cuthroat Trout. The smallest, Pink salmon, are the most abundant. The biggest, Chinook salmon, are the least abundant. Salmon are famous for their ability to return to the freshwater place of birth to spawn, including fighting their way up…

Sustainable Forestry in Canada

Sustainable Forestry in Canada

Discover sustainable forestry in Canada and learn why Canada is the global leader in sustainable forest management. Canada’s forests are diverse and sustain a wide range of quality products including soft wood lumber, newsprint, wood pulp, and engineered wood products. An example of Canada’s innovation in forest management is the partnership with Aboriginal People of…

Mistahimaskwa (Big Bear)

Mistahimaskwa (Big Bear)

The great Cree Chief, Mistahimaskwa, was the last Chief to reluctantly sign the infamous numbered treaties that confined aboriginals to reservations. He held out because he accurately foresaw the consequences of that policy. Changes brought by the railway and settlement in the west tragically destroyed the way of life of the First Peoples. Mistahimaskwa, known…

The Fur Trade in Canada

The Fur Trade in Canada

The beaver, pictured on Canada’s first postage stamp, is an iconic Canadian symbol. Beavers have a historical place in the settling of Canada. The fur trade was an economic enterprise across the wilderness of North America’s northern forests for 250 years from the early 17th century. Dominated by the trapping of beavers for the European…