Showing 13–14 of 14 results

  • Mary Slessor: Foward into Calabar

    Mary Slessor: Forward Into Calabar


    Mary Slessor’s story is an ageless epic of a woman who would stop at nothing to reach the lost with the life-giving gospel of Christ. (1848-1915).

    • 208 pages
    • Ages: 8-12
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  • Sale!

    Nate Saint: On a Wing and a Prayer Audio CD

    Original price was: $27.99.Current price is: $23.00.

    Nate Saint’s incredible ingenuity and dedication to Christ is told in this inspiring biography. His air-service ministry to isolated missionaries put him on a path of destiny to the jungles of Ecuador.

    • Running Time: 4:35 hrs
    • Ages: 8-12
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