This sequel to George’s Newbery Medal-winning Julie of the Wolves continues the story of Julie Edwards Miyax Kapugen, now living in the Eskimo village of Kangik with her father, Kapugen. Julie worries that her father will shoot the wolves if they threaten the herd he is raising as part of the village’s industry.
Julie’s decision to return home to her people is not an easy one. But after many months in the wilderness, living in harmony with the wolves that saved her life, she knows the time has come.
To her small Eskimo village, she is known as Miyax: to her penpal in San Francisco, she is Julie. After an incident, Miyax runs away, only to find herself lost in the Alaskan wilderness.
With food and time running out, Miyax tries to survive by copying the ways of a pack of wolves. Accepted by their leader and befriended by a feisty pup named Kapu, she soon grows to love her new wolf family. Life in the wilderness is a struggle, but when she finds her way back to civilization, Miyax is torn between her old and new lives. Is she Miyax of the Eskimos, or Julie of the wolves?
From the author of the Newbery Medal–winning Julie of the Wolves and its sequel, Julie, comes a third exciting adventure about the wolf pack that saved the life of a young girl when she was lost on the tundra. The story of Julie continues in Julie’s Wolf Pack from the point of view of the wolves who rescued her.