Showing 25–36 of 37 results

In this retelling of the classic folk tale “Stone Soup,” a stranger teaches the poor villagers what can be accomplished with a few buttons and a little cooperation.
- ISBN: 9781550743265
- Author: Aubrey Davis
- Pages: 32
- Ages: 6-9

Maud Lewis is one of Canada’s most celebrated folk artists.
Despite hardships, she found joy which she expressed through her art. She painted canvases of animals, children, and her surroundings. Her art spilled over into everything from dust pans to the walls of her house. Maud Lewis died in 1970, but her wonderful, life-affirming art lives on and is treasured by people who understand and appreciate folk art all over the world.
- ISBN: 9781770492622
- Author: Jo Ellen Bogart
- 32 pages
- Ages: 5-7, 6-9

After a fire destroys their home and possessions, Rosa, her mother, and her grandmother save and save until they can afford to buy one big, comfortable chair that all three of them can enjoy.
A Chair for My Mother has sold more than a million copies and is an ideal choice for reading and sharing at home and in the classroom. “A superbly conceived picture book expressing the joyful spirit of a loving family.”—The Horn Book
- ISBN: 9780688040741
- Author: Vera B. Williams
- Pages: 32
- Ages: 5-7

Sunday is pancake day, and no plate of pancakes is complete without maple syrup. But when George runs out of his favorite topping, where will he find more? With the help of his friends Allie and Mr. Renkins, George learns how to turn sap from maple trees into his very own bottle of sweet, delicious syrup!

When a giant new supermarket moves into the neighborhood, Lucy’s grandpa plans to sell his store. But with the help of friends and neighbors, Lucy is determined to keep this from happening. In another of her loving and lively portraits of community caring, DyAnne DiSalvo-Ryan tells the timely story of what can happen when the whole neighborhood gets involved.
“2001 Notable Children’s Trade Books in the Field of Social Studies (NCSS/CBC)”
- ISBN: 9780688167165
- Author: Anne DiSalvo

An apple pie is easy to make… if the market is open. But if the market is closed, the world becomes your grocery store. This deliciously silly recipe for apple pie takes readers around the globe to gather ingredients. First hop a steamboat to Italy for the finest semolina wheat. Then hitch a ride to England and hijack a cow for the freshest possible milk. And, oh yes! Don’t forget to go apple picking in Vermont! A simple recipe for apple pie is included.
- ISBN: 9780679880837
- Author: Marjorie Priceman
- 32 pages
- Ages 5-7

Mrs. Mallard was sure that the pond in the Boston Public Gardens would be a perfect place for her and her eight ducklings to live. The problem was how to get them there through the busy streets of Boston. This brilliantly illustrated, amusingly observed tale of Mallards on the move has won the hearts of generations of readers.
- ISBN: 9780140564341
- Author: Robert McCloskey
- 76 pages
- Ages: 5-7, 6-9

Mountains are an impressive sight anywhere in the world but those of the western mountain region of North America offer riches that are truly unique. This lavishly illustrated picture book presents snowcapped peaks, emerald lakes, tall pines and magnificent maples, and a range of birds and animals that will fill readers of all ages with wonder.

Joseph’s grandfather made him a beautiful blanket when he was a baby, but now it’s frazzled and worn, and Joseph’s mother says it is time to throw it out. Joseph doesn’t want to part with his special blanket, and he’s sure that his grandfather can fix it. Sure enough, Grandfather miraculously alters the blanket into useful items again and again. But when Joseph loses the final item, even Grandfather can’t make something from nothing. But maybe Joseph can?
- ISBN: 9781443119467
- Author: Phoebe Gilman
- 32 pages
- Ages: 5-7

A Team Like No Other is a story of love and friendship set in the beautiful Rocky Mountains. The knowledge that Stephen and Skoki can always count on each other brings depth to this simple story of a boy and his dog.

Pleased as punch with his footgear, Tyler heads for his uncle’s Misty Valley Ranch. Morck’s prose gives a realistic, child’s-eye overview of a cattle drive.
- ISBN: 9780889951532
- Author: Irene Morck
- 30 pages
- Ages 5-7

From award-winning author and illustrator Scot Ritchie comes this lively look at the journey of a West Coast tugboat towing a log boom, as seen through the eyes of a young boy. (Hardcover)