Historical Fiction Enhances the Study of History

Six reasons historical fiction will enhance your students’ understanding of history.

Fiction breathes life into the past

Historical fiction can captivate students in ways textbooks may not, inviting readers into the experiences of characters who lived through significant events.


Fiction can explain context

When researched and presented well, historical fiction can offer valuable context regarding the social, cultural, and political dynamics of a specific era.


Find the overlooked stories

Historical fiction often amplifies diverse perspectives which may be overlooked in traditional textbooks. Historical fiction can highlight the marginalized.


Fiction creates an emotional connection

Historical fiction enables readers to forge emotional connections with the characters which can deepen students’ insights into the human impact of history, and give greater retention of events.


Look for the true story

Students are more likely to pursue additional research and investigate primary sources related to the themes and events depicted in the fiction just as many of us look for the true story after viewing a Hollywood blockbuster.


Explore accuracy

By analyzing the accuracy of events portrayed in novels, students can try to uncover bias, and differentiate between fact and fiction, promoting an analytical mindset that is essential in historical inquiry.


You’ll see many living books and novels listed in our curriculum guides – books which will enhance the lesson or topic.

Canada’s Native Long Ago includes many stories, including by First Nations authors as much as is possible. See our various book bundles for our favourites.

Courage & Conquest: Discovering Canada History lists historical fiction with each lesson. See our Historical Fiction tab, and also our bundles for great groupings of living books.

Our many other courses also include novels and biographies to correspond with the lessons.

Can we just use fiction to teach history? Check out this post.

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