Canada Map Book 3


The third in a series of activity books designed to develop map skills, this easy-to-use book introduces special language of maps and includes over 40 thoughtful activities. The activities are organized in a sequential progression around four general skills involving shape, symbols, direction and position and scale. Through a variety of activities based on provincial social studies curricula, the broad map understandings are subdivided into more specific map skills. Each activity develops one or more new skills to provide an efficient and logical way for students to learn to use maps.

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Maps contain much information about our world and knowing how to use them is an important skill. Maps can show the exact position of a place as well as the distance and direction between places. Maps can also reveal the landscape of a region – mountain, lowland, forest or desert.

Maps are also excellent learning tools to develop practical social studies skills. Map usage can prompt students to go beyond recall and description and begin to analyze, synthesize and evaluate information.

Each map book becomes more challenging. Search for Apple Press or map book for more like this.

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