Native American Thought of It: Amazing Inventions and Innovations, A


With descriptive photos and information-packed text, this book explores eight different categories in which the creativity of First Nations peoples from across the continent led to remarkable inventions and innovations, many of which are still in use today.

  • ISBN: 9781554511549
  • Author: Rocky Landon and David MacDonald
  • Pages: 48
  • Ages: 8-12
SKU: 9781554511549 Categories: , Tags: ,


The chapters are organized around topics such as shelter, hunting, fishing, food, clothing, medicine and healing, transportation, communication, fun, war and peace, and Native Americans today.

Each topic contains either a two-page or four-page spread and explains the material with photographs, illustrations, and brief text selections. The book tries to cover all the major cultural regions of North American with individual Nation examples included.

The book contains a useful map, an introduction, index, and reading list. Occasionally the captions for illustrations could be specific. For example, the archival photograph of the Six Nations Chiefs holding wampum belts are described as Native chiefs, dressed in European clothes, hold wampum belts.

The Native Americans Today section features information that reinforces the fact that Aboriginal Peoples of North American are still here and more importantly retain their cultural integrity within contemporary society.