Showing 13–18 of 18 results

Suitable for Grade 9 or 10 Canadian geography in any province.
Geography is much more than a collection of facts about where things are located and why they are there. Most importantly, it is a subject that connects physical and social perspectives to the study of people, places and environments. Through the use of Making Connections: Canada’s Geography, you will have an opportunity to extend your ability to see Canada and the world as a geographer does.
- ISBN: 9780133789980
- Author: Bruce W. Clark
- 563 pages
- Ages: 12+

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- ISBN: 9780133790344-1
- Author: Bruce W. Clark
- Ages: 12+

A wild and stormy ocean is not a friendly place to be, but for some this is their place of work. In extreme conditions, waves larger than houses can rip oil rigs apart and send them to the bottom of the ocean leaving survivors in desperate need. The response of search and rescue teams in times of danger is marked by courage and fierce determination. And it results in some terrifying stories.

Limited quantities – also available in High School History Living Resources Bundle.
Relive the important and dramatic events in Quebec, October 1970 with this docudrama DVD. What were the conditions for the War Measures Act to be enacted in peacetime?

In a remarkable feat of filmmaking, this dramatic video expertly blends re-enactments with archival footage to transport us to one of the most important summit meetings of the 20th Century. Inspired by an award-winning bestseller.
- ISBN: 066805309557
- Director: Paul Cowan
- Run Time: 94 minutes
- Ages 12+, Adult

Igor Gouzenko was a former clerk in the Soviet embassy in Ottawa who defected to the West in 1945.
His story was so astounding that, at first, no one believed him. But the evidence he smuggled from the embassy eventually led to the arrest of a large Soviet spy ring in Canada, and sent Gouzenko into hiding for the rest of his life.
His revelations reverberated throughout the world and ignited the Cold War.