High School History Living Resources Bundle

(1 customer review)


This comprehensive high school history course package immerses you in the fascinating story of Canada in the 20th century, offering an unparalleled learning experience. You’ll receive all the assignments, answer keys, and resource links you need to excel.

But that’s not all! To bring history to life, we’ve included captivating living books filled with eyewitness accounts that will transport you to the heart of pivotal moments. These gripping stories will keep you on the edge of your seat, providing a personal and powerful perspective on events that shaped our nation. To further enhance your learning, the package also features three intriguing docudramas on DVD. These rare and out-of-print DVDs offer a unique visual perspective on Canadian history, capturing the essence of the era through compelling narratives and authentic portrayals.

With this complete and engaging course package, you and your students will gain a deeper understanding of Canada’s 20th century, fostering a lasting appreciation for the events, people, and challenges that have shaped the country we know today.

See Canada in the 20th Century for promo video and student workbook sample.

  • ISBN: 9780123455239-1
  • Ages: 12+


The course is licensed to one student for 480 days. Under special circumstances extensions will be granted if needed. This high school package will give you what is needed to complete a full high school credit in Canadian history along with very interesting resources for extra interest and discovery.

Does NOT include an academic text as described below.

Family Discount: This course is licensed to one student. With special permission by the publisher, additional students in the same family may receive a 30% discount on an additional student course access license and workbook.

Choose one textbook (recommended but not essential):
Think History
 and Counterpoints are high school textbooks recommended to provide academic reading for the course. Both texts are almost identical and by the same secular publisher. Counterpoints includes extra content on global history, not pertinent to the course but interesting.

Think History
: hardcover or online etext

(note: etext is not downloadable)

For the student

Single student consumable course workbook includes:

  • Day by day course outline for easy implementation
  • Assigned viewing & questions for Canada, A People’s History
  • Assigned reading from Counterpoints text
  • Assigned online resources including stories, videos and more
  • Living resource lists including books & dvds

Student digital coupon code for access to online resources for 480 days for download includes:

  • 22 Online assignments with marking rubrics
  • Essays, Worksheets, Map Skills, Comprehension,
  • Critical Thinking, Historical Thinking
  • 18 Online quiz reviews with answer keys
  • 8 Online unit tests with answer keys
  • Final exam with rubric and marking scheme
  • Online teaching videos including six historical thinking skills
  • Curated online content for further interest

For the teacher

  • Full answer key for student course workbook
  • Full answer key for all assignments with marking rubrics
  • Full answer keys for all quizzes and tests with marking rubrics
  • Final exam with answer key and marking rubric

In this bundle

Additional information

Weight 2.50 kg
Dimensions 34 × 26 × 12 cm

1 review for High School History Living Resources Bundle

  1. Natalie

    As a homeschooled high-schooler, I can say from firsthand experience that Donna Ward’s Canada in the 20th Century has greatly deepened my interest in and understanding of the people and events that have shaped our country into what it is today. The interactive online material, DVDs, and other “living resources” have been excellent supplements to this outstanding curriculum! Never has Canadian history seemed so intriguing and RELEVANT! Thank you, Donna Ward!

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